Choose your document to upload here
Supported file types:.txt, .pdf, .md, .docx

WARNING! For AI option, large files may not work!
It's an experimental feature at the moment.

How To Use The Application

1. Select a document file to upload. (Supported types: .txt, .pdf, .md, .docx)
2. Select a method of redaction.
Currently, there are three methods of redaction supported in this application.
a) Redact-PII⚡: (recommended) Redact PHI with Redact-PII library
b) Regex🧐: JavaScript RegExp to match and redact commmon PHI fields.
c) AI🤖 (experimental): Send document to Mixtral 8x22B engine on OctoAI.
3. Click submit button.
4. Redacted text will appear in the righthand panel.
5. Use Download Text button to save the text to a .txt file.
6. Alternatively, use Copy Text button to copy the text to your clipboard.
7. You can use below sample files to try!instruction image
Download sample documents here to try.

About the Application

Redact PHI is a web application that allows users to upload documents in supported formats and automatically redact any Personal Health Information (PHI) from the document. PHI includes but is not limited to names, dates, phone numbers, email addresses, social security numbers, and medical record numbers. The redacted document is then displayed on the right-hand side panel.

WARNING! Using the AI option may present potential risks. Use with caution.
Built with React, NextJS, Tailwind CSS, ShadCN UI
Key Dependencies: office-text-extractor, redact-pii, @octoai/sdk